About TrayScapes
Sustainability is more important than ever to the most discerning catering clients. Institutional, educational, corporate, and social clients are all demanding that their food providers reduce the environmental impact that their services create.
TrayScapes addresses those concerns. Inserts and liners are made with plastic that includes BDP, an ingredient that allows the plastic to naturally degrade in a matter of months. There are no microplastics created during the breakdown process.
TrayScapes bowls and trays are made from 100% recycled fiberboard, which will also degrade naturally. The steel corner staples will also rust, turning to iron oxide, over time.
All of our components are American-made, support the US economy and reducing the energy used during transportation.
Unleash your catering creativity

What are the advantages of using TrayScapes?
Uniformity & Streamlined Production
TrayScapes helps standardize the amount of food used on a tray or platter.
Clients create ‘maps’ of how each component fits onto each platter.
No more questions on how much of each item will be used on a tray.
More accurate costing.
Containers may be filled in advance and drawn from stock as needed.
TrayScapes’ rectangular inserts can be configured into innumerable combinations and will make the most efficient use of your platter. Users may select only those elements that they need. The plastic inserts and covers can readily be used with any other platters on the market.
TrayScapes fiberboard trays and bowls are made from 100% recycled materials. TrayScapes plastic inserts and liners are made with BDP, and natural additive that makes them naturally degradable.
TrayScapes is a fresh and elegant design solution to your standard catering presentations.
When to use TrayScapes
TrayScapes can be used wherever sustainability, fresh and elegant design solutions to upgrade your catering presentations.
Who can use TrayScapes?
They can be used by corporate and social caterers, foodservice companies, VIP suites at indoor and outdoor sporting and entertainment venues, and food retailers and gift companies.